Saturday, August 27, 2011

day 12 - Bible in a Year

today's reading: GENESIS 32:1-35:27

Thoughts from today's reading:

  • Genesis 33:11 for God has dealt graciously with me and I have everything.
  • Jacob was a deceiver, and his wives/servants carried 'other gods' with them where ever they went. Two of his sons laid waste to a town after the prince slept with their sister, and his eldest slept with Leah's maidservant (his brother's mom). I'm noticing a lot of things that God commands against when He give the 10 commandments. The 10 haven't been given yet, and this is only a snippet view of all the people of the time. Does this represent the culture of the day? Or was this just Jacob's family? Despite all these things, God still chose to deal graciously with Jacob and provided for all his needs. How much more so would it have been if all his house were following after God with all their heart?

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