Saturday, March 12, 2022 I did not actually keep up the idea of a journal here. But as I reread that idea, it still appeals to me, so maybe this time it will stick?

I now have 6 children, and a part time job (what - there is a story there I need to record about God's providence and giving us back the things we offer to him)

We're currently looking for a rental to live in while a USDA direct loan can be processed for us. We looked at a property in West Linn that I liked the structure, but it has a cliff off the back with no fence and is on the corner of two very busy streets, so it's a no. Tonight a lady that is renting a house in Canby emailed me, so maybe that will work out. It's more that we'd like to pay monthly, but we can make work for 12 months if needed.

God, please give me patience, wisdom, grace and point me to You. Help me see my children clearly through this, and point them to You as we travel this road together.

**added 3/15/22

About the 'more than we'd like to spend'. The rentals we are now looking at cost more than 28% of our monthly income, which is higher than recommended. I agree with the recommendation, and have been so concerned that we are not honoring God with our finances. Here's the deal He's straightened me out on today:

  1. We have no debt, so we can afford to spend more on housing per month.
  2. This is not a long term season. 1-3 years most likely. 
  3. We can afford it every month and it doesn't change our current lifestyle, or our savings.  We will even be able to still add some to savings every month.
  4. He has led us to this place, and is leading us to owning a home again. Just because this piece of the journey doesn't look like I think it should doesn't mean it isn't good.
  5. When we find the home to own, we will be well within the recommended percentage to spend on housing. This is a step toward that goal.

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